Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Common App Essay

Prompt: Indicate a person who has had a significant influence on you, and describe that influence.

     My cousin Bret never shuts the door when he walks in my house.
     When I was little, my family would visit the Ryan family up in Virginia. My sisters and I would play with my cousins, Erin and Bret, while my parents visited with Aunt Christine and Uncle Jimmy. We never thought anything of it.
     As I grew a bit older, I began to realize that Bret was a little different. “Bret has autism,” my mom told me, “it means that his mind works a little differently than your mind does.” I didn't completely understand, but I knew he had a special diet, and that he knew the capital of every country in the world, while only six years old.
     When I was thirteen years old, the Ryan family bought a house across the street from my house. They visited every summer instead of my family driving to Virginia. Our families grew closer during the summer months, and I grew closer to my cousin Bret. He had become interested in math and science, as had I. We both liked to write crazy stories, and talk about things that our sisters didn't talk about.
      One summer, I built my own website about the Percy Jackson book series. Bret and I posted on the blog, wrote character bios, created a music play list that described the characters, and even made a quiz: “Which god/goddess is your parent?” At one point we had over five hundred hits a day! It was the perfect way for us to communicate when not together.
      Erin and Bret flew down for winter break when I was fourteen. I taught Bret how to build model rockets using materials found around the house. We built a launch pad and even tried out different nose cones, to see which one worked best. My uncle drove us to a nearby soccer field, and we launched them off one by one. For hours we chased them around, retrieving them when we could (though one was lost over the fence!)
      Knowing how to interact with Bret helps me with things I do now. Last year, I participated in a Surfers for Autism event at Fort Myers Beach. Surfers from all over the nation taught over two hundred children with Autism and Down-Syndrome how to surf. I had never surfed in my life, but after leading the kids off the sand and into the water, I realized that didn't matter. The salt water washed away their tears and smiles replaced their frowns. The rest of the day was a blast as I helped them stand up and surf all the way into shore.
       Bret and I still tease each other and joke around like any other family members would. Sometimes, he won't understand my jokes and gets upset so I explain things a second time. He still never shuts the door to my house, but I've learned to ask him to over and over again.


  1. Hi Delia! First of all, I really like the conversational tone you've got going on here. It's super easy to relate to, and I feel like I got to know more about you while you were describing someone else, so good job on that! I especially like the first and last sentences, because they tie it all together and are unique little tidbits.
    (Little grammar thing I'm sorry: I feel like you could vary your sentence structure a bit but hey I could be wrong)
    I personally don't think the "We never thought anything of it" in the end of the 1st paragraph really fits or makes the most sense. Maybe approach it differently because the "it" is ambiguous?
    Anyway, lovely job! I already told you how perfect I thought this topic was :)

    1. Oh you're right about "We never thought anything of it"
      Just realized how random that is :D

  2. this is really good dee! sydney said it better than i can, but i really like your 1st sentence (gets you interested). And lots of specific examples were really good. I like how your sentences weren't too wordy and they convey your voice really well. (maybe that's just because i know you, but i doubt it). so yeah good job :)

  3. ps i like your fish

  4. Hey Delia~
    So, I really like this essay! It has a "you" way about it. I too love the first sentence, it really got my attention. Like Sydney said, sentence structure could be varied a little more (and yes, I realize I should be telling this to myself) and maybe explain a little more of how your cousin influenced you? But I really like it!

  5. I really enjoyed this because it shows how unique and multidimensional and caring you are, but it SHOWS me through your love for your cousin. Was your cousin a part of the surfing benefit? It did not seem that way, but maybe a connecting sentence between your experiences with your cousin and this event. In places, the syntax is stilted and sentences can easily be recombined to read more smoothly. Make them fluid. The thought process is fluid and the events your recall and the order of your paragraphs work, so now you only need to work on syntax. I like how you bring things back full circle with the door reference again at the end. I think there may be a more poetic way of wrapping things up than saying that you have learned to ask him over again and again. I was thinking more along the lines of how you are just happy that he opened not only the door but your eyes to so many new experiences and ways of being engaged in the world. If you would like to print this out, I can help identify some minor grammar and style issues for you. The essay is uniquely you. Great Job.

  6. I skipped a part of my sentence up there...what I meant was...maybe you could use a connecting sentence between interacting with your cousin and participating in the surfing event.
